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Huracán vs Zeus

Late one night, a gentle breeze filtered through palm leaves and settled on a peaceful Taino village. Beyond the forest’s edge, the ocean was bathed in light from a full Caribbean moon. The sweet aroma of cacao mingled with the earthy scent of the hot cassava cakes Kiana prepared as a bedtime treat for her daughter. Around them, the village was alive with waves crashing ashore and the distant voices of men and women talking loudly.

Midnight snack

Kiana’s daughter blew over the ceramic cup holding her hot cocoa. She anticipated the sweet taste of sugarcane juice which her mother had stirred into the beverage. She took a sip and then savoured a piece of cassava cake. The warm snack felt as comforting as the embrace of her kind and gentle mother. A fire flickered near them, as if waiting to hear a bedtime story. Kiana, with a tender smile, began weaving a tale to explain the tension swirling in the village around them.

Huracán asks Zeus for Athena’s hand in marriage

“Once upon a time,” the kind mother began, “the powerful storm god, Huracán, once dreamed of a world united in peace and harmony. To accomplish this task, he journeyed to Mount Olympus, where lived Zeus, King of the Gods. There, Huracán told Zeus of his grand campaign. And, to show that he was sincere, he asked for the hand of the goddess Athena, daughter of Zeus.” Kiana’s daughter giggled when her mother stopped to explain that Athena had sprung fully grown from the forehead of Zeus, and was never a little girl like she was.


“As Huracán stood before Zeus,” Kiana continued, stroking her daughter’s hair, “he proposed a union of families, cultures, and traditions. But Zeus could only think of acquiring more power and wealth on Earth. So he demanded a dowry of a land rich and untamed. He knew that our islands were most dear to Huracán, who would not be happy to part with them. Reluctantly, his future son-in-law agreed, believing his territory would be protected as long as his union with Athena endured.”

A new storm

“The union was happy, faithful and prosperous, and our islands continued to flourish as a paradise blessed by divine love. But Zeus grew tired of peace and unleashed a new storm. Over many years, explorers and fortune hunters sailed towards our islands. Huracán did his best to turn them back, throwing up fierce winds and heavy rains to crush their boats.

Eventually, his protectiveness over his territory started a family quarrel. But Huracán was no match for his powerful father-in-law. Zeus prevailed and the sea, which once united our people, became a battleground for rival treasure hunters from the North. Huracán’s dream had come to nothing.”

Winds of change

As Kiana spoke, the sounds of the night harmonised with her words. “Now, my child,” she said, “this story prepares us for the winds of change, as they are always blowing. We are too weak to hold them back, but we can trust our inner strength, and the spirit of our people.” The child’s eyes grew heavy as Kiana softly hummed a melody. She could hear the villagers discussing how they would resist the invaders.


Under that night sky, with the aroma of cacao still lingering in the air, Kiana watched over her daughter as she slept. The villagers would stay up all night, anxious as they were about the challenging times ahead. As the cool breeze wrapped her child in its protective swaddle, the gentle mother asked the old gods for an end to their hardships. Then, over the waves, she cast the melody so it would echo through the generations.


Life is short, so let’s be decent.

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