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Narcissus and Seraphina


In this original story, the demigod Narcissus is catfished by the Macedonian mystic, Seraphina, who tells him that she is the Egyptian goddess Aetheria. In disguise, Seraphina tricks Narcissus into gifting her his most prized attributes. The lovesick Echo follows him around and tries to warn him but he doesn’t listen.

Act I: The Radiant Prodigy

In a time where gods and mortals live in harmony, Narcissus, the offspring of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope, is blessed with awe-inspiring beauty. He has the coveted blend of divine heritage and earthly charm.

Act II: Unchecked Hubris

The life of Narcissus unfolds with unchecked hubris. He rejects his admirers, believing them to be unworthy of his affection. Seraphina, a crafty mystic, learns of Narcissus’ arrogance and disdain for mortal suitors. She invents the deity Aetheria, a lesser-known Egyptian goddess of allure. The beguiling mystic conceals her ruse well. With a voice spun from illusions, Aetheria whispers promises into Narcissus’ ears. The demigod’s belief in his irresistible charm becomes the loom upon which a deceptive veil is woven.

In his blind pursuit of godlike elevation, he agrees to marry Aetheria, in exchange for access to the source of his beauty, youth, and vitality. Thus, he unwittingly bestows upon Seraphina the power to take the essence that defines him. In truth, Narcissus willingly succumbs to his own pride. He is unable to recognise his misplaced self-worth. The stage is set for a tragic revelation.

Act III: The Tragic Revelation

Besotted Echo, cursed to repeat the words of others, follows Narcissus everywhere. Her desperate cries ring through the sacred groves. She tries to warn the demigod of the treachery of his betrothed. But Narcissus is callous as he rejects her, and she is condemned to silent agony.

When Narcissus relinquishes his charm and radiance, Seraphina returns to her true form. But it takes time for Narcissus to realise the depth of her betrayal. One day, by the riverside, as he kneels to wash his hands, he sees that he has aged by decades overnight. The vibrance of his youth is replaced by the withering decay of stolen years.

Act IV: The Desolation of Vanity

Alone and afraid, Narcissus gazes in horror upon his reflection. He sees a hollowed shell of a man rippling in the waters. Seraphina, having extracted the elixir of his beauty, has vanished into the ether, leaving behind a broken man. Haunted by his mistakes, Narcissus withers away while staring at his reflection in the water. Echo witnesses the tragedy of a celestial beauty reduced to a pathetic shadow, lost to the unforgiving passage of time.


Life is short, so let’s be decent.

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